Aaron Harris
Friday, November 11, 2022

True to the colors and the way things fall 

and to shadows moving around on a wall

she could bring back memories

from an abandoned mind


Getting lost is another to know

how the wall changes as the colors are thrown 

she hides beneath the road to stay out of

the light


And they can’t from you anything

you learned in the first place

Like looking to find something else out there

in outer space

she’s been losing jobs and taking things

she shouldn’t take

but who wants to be exposed growing old

trying to runaway 


Congratulations and best wishes to you

from someone you wouldn’t have thought

it would be

was the destruction and chaos apart of

the love that no one else could of seen 


There’s a few colors being thrown around

over a wall where shadows can be found

she goes there to watch the show it’s 

her favorite thing


Some colors have fallen and it’s quite 

the mess

and shadows have fallen coming coming

to rest

she walks down the road with a picture

she can’t explain 


And they can’t take from you anything

you learned in the first place

Like looking to find someone else out there 

in outer space

She’s been losing jobs and breaking things

she shouldn’t break

but wants to be exposed growing old

trying to runaway 


mine as well expose it all, the colors, 

the shadows and the wall

in the end time will melt the fantasy